Patrol Leaders Council Info

What Is A Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC)?

A Patrol Leaders Council is typically held as a monthly meeting where the Troop’s elected SPL, ASPL, Patrol Leaders, and Scribe gather to plan upcoming troop events. Our Troop chooses to include ALL Leadership Positions for the sake of input and ease of communication. Our PLCs are usually on the LAST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH at 6:30 PM at the Spokane Valley Baptist Church (1222 S McDonald).

All Leadership Positions (To find out if you have one, head to Leadership>Youth Leadership and look for your name) should be there in attendance, and if they are unable to attend, they should both let the Senior Patrol Leader and/or the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader know and send someone in their place rather than just not showing.

PLC Notes/Minutes are to be sent by the Scribe to the SPL and/or ASPL, and they are responsible for getting them sent out in a timely fashion. This is extremely helpful so that everyone knows who is doing what and confusion is minimized.

New SPL?

Here are some great ideas to run a PLC!