
This area is for Scouts aiming to get their Rope Challenges Ropes. We have 4 in our Troop.

Red Rope: Make 8 basic knots (two-half hitches, square knot, sheet bend, bowline, timber hitch, clove hitch, sheepshank, and taut-line hitch) in under 2 minutes. It's the easiest Rope to earn.

Blue Rope: To get the Blue Rope, you need to tie the 6 Lashings as listed in the Scout Handbook (Square, Shear, Diagonal, Tripod, Floor, and Round Lashings). No time limit.

Gold Rope: Tie 40 knots as listed in the links below, in one sitting.

Black Rope: The champion of Knot Ninja. (No one has earned this one yet!)

There are links below to help you earn all 4 Ropes as well as how to make a woggle (neckerchief slide).

If you get your Red, Blue, and Gold Ropes, make this! For help, try asking Pace!